Personal Spiritual Healing Sessions
"I received a healing from Cecilia one week ago and can still feel the effects. There are no words to describe the healing I received from this goddess. She truly is an instrument of God. She gives it 200%. I walked in carrying some heavy burdens but left feeling so much lighter. I felt God's presence during the healing. It was the most beautiful experience ever. Cecilia is amazing! I'm going to tell all my friends and family. Everybody needs a healing and once you receive one from Cecilia you will want to come again and again! God bless you Cecilia and thank you! Peace and love always, - Rocio, Los Angeles
As an empath, Cecilia has the capacity to feel what you feel, which makes your connection even stronger and allows her to feel what blockages and attachments you may not be aware of that prevent Divine light from flowing freely through you.
With each session your body will feel lighter, you will feel more grounded and you will have better clarity. You will attain balance emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. Innate qualities of your true self will be awakened, and doors will open to new levels of freedom, power and contentment to live your greatest potential, and the life you desire. Your life will forever be changed thru these experiences.
There are many other beautiful healings that I will be guided to use overtime, it just depends on your desire to want to continue to bring healing to your life. If you just want a cleansing, I suggest you come twice a year and no less than once a year to keep free of any negative energies or attachments. For others as for myself, spiritual growth and healing is a decision we make to continue to awaken and grow in higher consciousness, to receive the illumination of the Holy Spirit and all the blessings and miracles of God Father, Jesus Christ that be of his will.
Depending on your session, you may also want to take advantage of Cecilia's Whole-Body Vibration machine - more details can be found by clicking here.
Cecilia offers bilingual sessions of English and Spanish.
Session Options and Requests
Personal Spiritual Healing and Cleansing
I will petition God on your behalf to assist you with what you are seeking help with to bring to you all the blessings and miracles that be of God’s will for you. This powerful moving healing and cleansing can be done – In-Person, Remotely, By Photo, Via Skype or Via Phone and will bring the same results. Upon scheduling your session, we will arrange what will work best for you depending on your needs and where you reside.
Spirit Removal Healing
Feel like yourself again with this beautiful healing that will remove negative earthbound spirits from your energy field and physical body that create havoc within you on an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual level. With God's blessings these spirits will be assisted into the porthole of light, where they can enter their frequency or state of consciousness. Once the healing is complete we will reinsert your spirit into your physical body returning you to your natural state of being, leaving you on a natural high in perfect balance again.
Witchcraft Removal Healing
A powerful healing to break any harm done against you by means of witchcraft, santeria, curses, spells, etc.. that will remove the negative intentions and spirits sent by someone who paid money to disrupt your life. Through God's miracles we will restore freedom to your soul and allow for peace and harmony to flow to your life again.
Intercessory Spiritual Healing and Cleansing
A beautiful gift of compassion on behalf of a loved one who is in need of help. The healing can take place with or without the person's knowledge. This method is great for those who are not open to spiritual healings or do not believe. Petitions and blessings will be personalized to the individual receiving the healing.
Traditional Shamanic Healing and Cleansing
This is my favorite healing of all. Traditional Shamanic Healing is a very effective hands-on-healing that is quite potent and forceful, this all-encompassing purification using herbs, natural ingredients, flowers and other healing modalities to lift and remove deep layers of emotional blocks and negative traumatic experiences from your cellular memory that are deeply buried, that no longer serve you. You will experience beautiful unconditional love from God and my team of helpers. This will assist you on all levels to bring deep healing and spiritual growth toward living the life you desire.
Spirit of Nature Cleansing & Clearing
Cleanse your home & family in one cleansing - A beautiful blessed ceremony consisting of a week of prayers on behalf of you and your family where I petition God to spiritually cleanse and clear your home and family. Through the assistance of God and my team of helpers, Mother Earth, the Spirit of Nature and Spirits of certain powerful clearing herbs. Supernatural forces will make their way to your home with tornado like strength to clear and cleanse your home and everyone who currently resides there of everything that is of God's will.
Divine Blessings from God Healing of Good Luck
A special healing asking for blessings from God in a particular circumstance in your life. Examples:A new job, an exam, a personal goal, finding the right home, a hearts desire, etc. A beautiful blessing will be done on your behalf or a loved one asking God's blessings for what you are seeking support and help with. Your own prayers and Faith will help to bring about even more.
Bowl of Life & Emergency Healing
Some healings require special attention immediately and will take effect immediately or within 3 to 7 days. This type of healing is done distantly and can be done for yourself or requested for a loved one: When you need urgent prayers and blessings to bring about much needed change or to bring healing to your life in urgent and overwhelming emotional situations or in times of adversity. When you need emergency prayers and blessings in a critical situation (burns, surgery, heart attacks, major injuries, illness, etc.) Some individuals may require a couple of these types of healings along with the care of a doctor or medical practitioner.
For more information or to schedule your in-person or distant (via telephone or Skype) session
with Cecilia in English or Spanish
Call: 714-595-6653 or Email:
Please Note
Spiritual Shamanic Healings of God are not a substitute for medical or psychological diagnosis and treatment. Spiritual Shamanic Healings are for the purpose of spiritual healing and healing of the outer bodies to assist a person in their own physical healing. It is also for stress reduction and relaxation. Cecilia does not diagnose conditions, nor does she perform medical treatment or prescribe medications. Cecilia's work is complementary to regular traditional and alternative healing therapies.
In-person sessions are mainly available in the Southern California area, especially in Orange County, California. Distant sessions are available to any location globally through telephone or Skype.